
Galactic Phantasy Prelude

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Fans of cool games Galactic Phantasy now got a pleasant surprise with direleasenya Galactic Phantasy Prelude some time ago. I myself have never played the series before so there will be no comparison of the features we be reviewed this time. But one thing I need to say about Galactic Phantasy Prelude, AWESOME!

Briefly Galactic Phantasy Prelude is an open world RPG with the theme of the space shuttle. You will control a shuttle to navigate this vast space. Because the theme is open world and you can freely roam here and there to carry out the mission, but you'll also be able to follow the main story that recounts the journey of an orphan who decides to run away and wander for identity.

Galactic Phantasy Prelude has two viewpoints will automatically change according to circumstances. If you're "wandering" to just walk or visiting another planet looking for a mission and you will see your ship from a third person perspective. But if you're fighting the vantage point turns into a first person complete with a crosshair.

His battle system in my opinion is one of the most exciting and complex for this kind of genre. You will be provided a variety of weapons you can shot and not all of them have the function of damage, there is a function to stun or drain energy so that they could not issue a special shot.

You will also be given a control to change your crosshair becomes large and small. When you become a big crosshair then you will be more agile to move to make enemies on the contrary if you crosshairnya set to be small but you are no longer nimble shots you be more precise and targeted. During the fight you will be constantly changing crosshair, tactics, and also shot so that the fight will take place with intense.

As long as you visit a planet there will be many places can you go from bar to search for the vessel crew to the place of mining offer to sell or buy various minerals. But most will often you visit the information center is because this is where you can get the mission to finance fuel your ship or purchase a new vessel. Its mission itself was not 100% legal, because you are sometimes required to rob, smuggle goods or destroy enemy aircraft.

Untuk masalah kustomisasi pesawat saya sebenarnya cukup kewalahan karena ada begitu banyak hal yang bisa diupgrade. Mulai dari tipe pesawat dengan karakteristik berbeda seperti Transport yang mempunyai cargo lebih besar atau Destroyer dengan kemampuan tempur yang lebih baik. Galactic Phantasy Prelude mempunyai 46 kapal dengan lebih dari 2000 equipment yang terbagi atas 20 kategori!
Galactic Phantasy Prelude mempunyai kualitas graphic yang sangat baik dan jujur saja sedikit mengejutkan saya karena gamenya tidak terlalu terkenal jika dibanding dengan Galaxy on Fire yang mempunyai tema yang mirip. Tapi dari sekian banyak fitur dan gameplay luar biasa ada dua hal yang saya sayangkan dari game ini. Pertama adalah tutorialnya yang tidak banyak dan tidak ada help menu sehingga kebanyakan harus kamu cari sendiri sedangkan yang kedua adalah kontrolnya yang terlalu kecil dan terkadang tidak berfungsi sebagai mana mestinya (tidak responsif).

 Package Name: com.moonfishsoftware.gpp [Play Store]
File Size: 18.7 MB
MD5 File Hash: 3ba5d1db3c5d1245844572f3ee8b5ff4
Last Fetched: 2015-05-14 03:34:56
Version: 1.9.6 (17)